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Healing Arts Press

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Thompson Method Of Bodywork : Structural Alignment, Core Strength, and Emotional Release

Developed by Cathy Thompson through her many years as a bodywork therapist, the Thompson Method incorporates Zen shiatsu, Rolfing, yoga and Gestalt psychotherapy to heal pain in the physical body both through bodywork and by recognising the emotional blockages that often underlie chronic pain, tension and poor alignment.
€17.80 excl tax

Foundations of reiki ryoho - a manual of shoden and okuden

A comprehensive guide to the first and second degrees of Usui Reiki Ryoho as well as Reiki's history and Western evolution · Details hand positions, self-healing exercises, spiritual development meditations, and the Japanese Reiki techniques introduced in the first degree, shoden, and the second degree, okuden · Provides a thorough introduction to the five levels of byosen, the energetic ...
€12.10 excl tax

Total Life Cleanse : A 28-Day Program to Detoxify and Nourish the Body, Mind, and Soul

Integrating the ancient wisdom of yoga, Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine with naturopathic principles and contemporary nutritional science, Jonathan Glass presents a practical 28-day programme, divided into four cycles, designed to initiate and maximise detoxification of your body, mind and spirit from the harmful effects of the modern lifestyle.
€14.20 excl tax

Liver detox - cleansing through diet, herbs, and massage

A practical guide to supporting and maintaining liver health naturally · Reveals how an overburdened liver can lead to many common ailments such as headaches, constipation, respiratory issues, and skin conditions · Explains specific foods to avoid, which supplements accelerate the liver's cleansing abilities, and how to perform liver exercises and massage · Details the 9 plants that are most ...
€7.10 excl tax

Return Of Planet Sedna

Named after a mythological Inuit sea woman, the planet Sedna was first discovered in 2003. Its return to our solar system after 11,000 years of orbit has been tied to the huge tsunami that struck Indonesia, Thailand and India in 2004 as well as to the increased occurrence of other marine and weather events over the last decade.
€9.20 excl tax

Hidden cause of acne - how toxic water is affecting your health and what yo

According to a recent study, over 20 percent of men and 35 percent of women experience acne after the age of 30. At the same time, remote indigenous societies - such as the Inuit before they “moved to town” in the 1960s - experience no acne at all, even among their teenagers.
€9.20 excl tax

Remote Healing

Remote healing is healing over space and time. Often called “nonlocal healing,” it is no longer a magical occurrence or a mysterious technique reserved for powerful shamans. Remote healing has moved from magic to science and it can be learned. In this practical guide to the Sagi method of information medicine, Maria Sagi, Ph.D.
€10.70 excl tax


Every day our bodies strive to adapt and stay balanced, energised and healthy, yet chronic stress and the resulting elevation of stress hormones such as cortisol have been shown to be major factors behind, not only fatigue and weight gain, but, also, many chronic and degenerative diseases.
€13.50 excl tax

Restoring Your Intestinal Flora

Our intestinal flora perform a large number of duties--far more than just aiding digestion. Recent research has revealed that our intestinal flora help fight off infections by killing microbes and viruses, increase our resistance to allergens and inflammation, cleanse our internal systems by neutralizing toxins, and even support our moods and energy levels by interacting with hormones and ...
€9.20 excl tax

Addiction-Free Naturally

Addiction affects more people than any other disease. Breaking a habit can be daunting--it's hard to know where to begin beyond quitting “cold turkey.” But just as habits can be acquired, they can be broken. Others have done it, and so can you!
€9.20 excl tax

Liberating Yourself From Lyme

For some people, recovering from a Lyme disease infection can become an endless battle with physical, mental, and neurological symptoms, especially if it's not diagnosed early. After they both contracted Lyme in 2001, Vir McCoy and Kara Zahl embarked on standard antibiotic protocols.
€10.70 excl tax

Optimal Detox : How to Cleanse Your Body of Colloidal and Crystalline Toxins

The lasting benefits of detoxification and internal cleanses are becoming well-known and accepted—in part, because these practices are more vital than ever for optimal health and longevity and in the fight against environmental and dietary toxins.
€8.10 excl tax

Five Point Touch Therapy : Acupressure for the Emotional Body

Does emotion rule you or do you rule your emotions? With Five Point Touch Therapy, you can quickly counter negative emotional states as they arise, leaving you better able to cope with a crisis, as well as treat long-term issues such as depression and anxiety.
€10.70 excl tax

Healing lyme disease coinfections - complementary and holistic treatments f

Each year Harvard researchers estimate there are nearly 250,000 new Lyme disease infections—only 10 percent of which will be accurately diagnosed. One of the largest factors in misdiagnosis of Lyme is the presence of other tick-borne infections, which mask or aggravate the symptoms of Lyme disease as well as complicate treatment.
€12.10 excl tax

Wild Medicine Solution : Healing with Aromatic, Bitter, and Tonic Plants

As people moved into cities and suburbs and embraced modern medicine and industrialised food, they lost their connection to nature, in particular to the plants with which humanity coevolved. These plants are essential components of our physiologies - tangible reminders of cross-kingdom signaling - and key not only to vibrant physical health and prevention of illness, but, also, to soothing and ...
€12.10 excl tax

Fight diabetes with vitamins and antioxidants

In this practical yet scientific guide, leading researcher in cancer, heart disease and diabetes prevention Kedar N. Prasad reveals the latest revolutionary discoveries on the use of antioxidants and micronutrients to treat diabetes.
€7.80 excl tax

Herbs for healthy aging - natural prescriptions for vibrant health

· Offers herbal remedies for many conditions associated with ageing, such as prostate enlargement, hot flushes, hypertension, insomnia and arthritis · Provides herbal treatments to restore and maintain function in each of the body's major systems · Explores more than 150 herbs and their actions on the body and mind, preparation methods and recommended dosages In ...
€13.50 excl tax

Natural treatments for lyme coinfections - anaplasma, babesia, and ehrlichi

Harvard researchers estimate there are nearly 250,000 new Lyme disease infections each year - only 10 percent of which will be accurately diagnosed. One of the largest factors in misdiagnosis of Lyme is the presence of other tick-borne infections, which mask or aggravate the symptoms of Lyme disease as well as complicate treatment.
€10.70 excl tax

Shungite - protection, healing, and detoxification

Found near the small village of Shunga in Russia, the remarkable mineral known as shungite, formed naturally more than two billion years ago from living single-cell organisms. Used in Russian healing therapies since the time of Peter the Great, shungite contains almost the entire periodic table of the elements as well as fullerenes, the hollow carbon-based molecules that recent research shows are ...
€8.50 excl tax