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Healing Arts Press

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Handbook of chinese medicine and ayurveda - an integrated practice of ancie

Chinese medicine and Ayurveda are two of the oldest healing systems in use today. Each is a complete art, in and of itself and has profoundly contributed to the health and well-being of millions of people around the world.
€17.80 excl tax

Reclaiming Life After Trauma

Trauma is an inescapable part of living. The bad things that happen to us always leave after effects in both body and mind. While many people experience these after effects and move on, millions of others develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - a painful, chronic and debilitating barrier to happiness.
€9.20 excl tax

Crystal wands - for massage therapy, reflexology, and energy medicine

The healing powers of crystals and gemstones were known more than eight hundred years ago by the mystic, Hildegard von Bingen and as far back as two millennia ago by the Greek physician, Dioskurides. In this full-colour illustrated guide, Ewald Kliegel explains the benefits of incorporating crystal wands into your bodywork and healing practice and details the techniques of doing so.
€12.10 excl tax

Thompson Method Of Bodywork : Structural Alignment, Core Strength, and Emotional Release

Developed by Cathy Thompson through her many years as a bodywork therapist, the Thompson Method incorporates Zen shiatsu, Rolfing, yoga and Gestalt psychotherapy to heal pain in the physical body both through bodywork and by recognising the emotional blockages that often underlie chronic pain, tension and poor alignment.
€17.80 excl tax

Foundations of reiki ryoho - a manual of shoden and okuden

A comprehensive guide to the first and second degrees of Usui Reiki Ryoho as well as Reiki's history and Western evolution · Details hand positions, self-healing exercises, spiritual development meditations, and the Japanese Reiki techniques introduced in the first degree, shoden, and the second degree, okuden · Provides a thorough introduction to the five levels of byosen, the energetic ...
€12.10 excl tax

Total Life Cleanse : A 28-Day Program to Detoxify and Nourish the Body, Mind, and Soul

Integrating the ancient wisdom of yoga, Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine with naturopathic principles and contemporary nutritional science, Jonathan Glass presents a practical 28-day programme, divided into four cycles, designed to initiate and maximise detoxification of your body, mind and spirit from the harmful effects of the modern lifestyle.
€14.20 excl tax

Liver detox - cleansing through diet, herbs, and massage

A practical guide to supporting and maintaining liver health naturally · Reveals how an overburdened liver can lead to many common ailments such as headaches, constipation, respiratory issues, and skin conditions · Explains specific foods to avoid, which supplements accelerate the liver's cleansing abilities, and how to perform liver exercises and massage · Details the 9 plants that are most ...
€7.10 excl tax

Return Of Planet Sedna

Named after a mythological Inuit sea woman, the planet Sedna was first discovered in 2003. Its return to our solar system after 11,000 years of orbit has been tied to the huge tsunami that struck Indonesia, Thailand and India in 2004 as well as to the increased occurrence of other marine and weather events over the last decade.
€9.20 excl tax

Hidden cause of acne - how toxic water is affecting your health and what yo

According to a recent study, over 20 percent of men and 35 percent of women experience acne after the age of 30. At the same time, remote indigenous societies - such as the Inuit before they “moved to town” in the 1960s - experience no acne at all, even among their teenagers.
€9.20 excl tax

Light therapies - a complete guide to the healing power of light

Beginning with sun worship in prehistory and sunshine therapies in ancient Egypt, Greece and India, light has long been associated with the sublime, the divine and healing. Yet only recently have we begun to understand how different parts of the light spectrum, from infrared to ultraviolet, can affect our physical and psychological well-being.
€13.50 excl tax

Natural Antibiotics And Antivirals

Nature offers us many natural antibiotics from the plant kingdom that work powerfully against germs while, also, being gentle on the body. Knowledge of these safe and natural antibiotics and antivirals is more crucial now than ever as modern antibiotics become less and less effective due to the growing threat of antibiotic-resistant germs.
€9.20 excl tax

Holistic Reflexology

Expanding the practice of reflexology beyond the feet and hands, Ewald Kliegel illustrates how to precisely and quickly treat different emotional and physical disorders with an integrated combination of reflexology and complementary therapies.
€10.80 excl tax

Essential Oils For Mindfulness And Meditation

For millennia, the spiritual power of odour - such as from incense or frankincense - has been used to symbolise intention, stimulate awareness of our spiritual self and accentuate rite and ritual. Drawing on this power, as well as their healing qualities, essential oils can provide the perfect complement to a meditation or mindfulness practice.
€9.20 excl tax

Healing The Thyroid With Ayurveda

In this comprehensive guide for practitioners and those concerned with thyroid health, Marianne Teitelbaum integrates the ancient medicine of Ayurveda with modern scientific findings to address the growing epidemic of thyroid disease.
€9.20 excl tax

Structural Integration And Energy Medicine

When the body's structure is optimally aligned, not only does it eliminate pain, reduce inflammation and stop the degeneration of joints and discs, it, also, enhances the flow of energy in the body and awakens us to greater mental clarity. In this illustrated guide to Dr. Ida P.
€13.50 excl tax

Restore Hearing Naturally

hrough hearing we are connected with everything that surrounds us. Yet millions of people, young and old suffer from hearing loss, which disrupts this special connection not only with our surroundings but also with our friends, loved ones, and co-workers.
€17.80 excl tax


A newly revised and updated edition of the classic guide to reframing our view of ADHD and embracing its benefits. Explains that people with ADHD are not disordered or dysfunctional, but simply “hunters in a farmer's world” possessing a unique mental skill set that would have allowed them to thrive in a hunter-gatherer society.
€9.20 excl tax

Living With Adhd

One of the first rules of child-rearing is “condemn the behaviour, not the child.” Yet this common sense rule doesn't seem to apply in the case of attention deficit disorder, or ADHD, where the very name of the condition implies that those labelled with it are “disordered,” “deficient,” and incapable of paying attention.
€9.20 excl tax

Remote Healing

Remote healing is healing over space and time. Often called “nonlocal healing,” it is no longer a magical occurrence or a mysterious technique reserved for powerful shamans. Remote healing has moved from magic to science and it can be learned. In this practical guide to the Sagi method of information medicine, Maria Sagi, Ph.D.
€10.70 excl tax


Every day our bodies strive to adapt and stay balanced, energised and healthy, yet chronic stress and the resulting elevation of stress hormones such as cortisol have been shown to be major factors behind, not only fatigue and weight gain, but, also, many chronic and degenerative diseases.
€13.50 excl tax